Peel Schools Photography Competition
Two entries per student per category (that means a maximum of four possible entries). Additional entries will be deleted.
Your teacher's email address must be included as we will not contact you directly, only through your teacher.
Photographs must have been taken in 2023.
Students must be currently attending a Secondary school in the Peel region.
Only JPG files accepted upto a maximum of 20MB.
With submissions where there are people in them you must guarantee you have permission for their image to be used (model released).
Photos will be publically displayed and possibly used in future promotional activity without limitation.
Work submitted must be your own.
Content within the photographs must be school aged appropriate.
Colour correcting, using filters, and cropping does not constitute modification.
Your submission must contain a title for your photo and a description (upto 100 words) which describes the relevance to the theme "Wellbeing".
There is no charge to schools or students to enter and exhibit.
These rules are subject to change.